• Managing Knowledge for Value

    TKA's proven tools, frameworks, insights, and methods empower your enterprise knowledge

Solutions for every budget...

We offer solutions to meet your needs at the PROFESSIONAL, WORKTEAM, and ENTERPRISE levels -- or some combination


Real-time video sessions get the knowledge PROFESSIONAL running quickly with minimal disruption to other work processes. A tailored package meets your unique needs and budget.


Value of Knowledge™ Clinics are immersive WORKTEAM experiences that integrate elements of a master class, a strategy retreat, and a consulting intervention. Certifications offered.


Using proprietary tools, TKA rapidly assesses ENTERPRISE knowledge-value gaps and opportunities. We design strategies and initiatives to close these gaps and increase your knowledge effectiveness and ROI.


MAP your knowledge

Want to build a sustainable knowledge initiative? Start by building a baseline Knowledge Resources Inventory -- a systematic accounting for your enterprise knowledge activities and assets.

Knowledge Resource Mapping™ using our UP-C3 Model (at right) enables us to document the foundation upon which programs of improvement can be designed and executed.

Clients Served
Years of Industry Experience

MEASURE your knowledge

We use our field-tested  Value of Knowledge™ toolkit to rapidly diagnose and correct knowledge gaps and challenges. TKA frameworks include:

  • Knowledge Value Chain® (at left)
  • Knowledge Balance Sheet™
  • Innovation Opportunities Matrix™
  • Knowledge-to-Value™ (K2V) Discovery-Development Process
  • Value Ecosystem Map™
  • Client Engagement Ladder
  • KVC Scorecard™
  • Producer/User Points-of-Pain
  • Enterprise Metrics Assessment Protocol™

MANAGE your knowledge

Using proprietary tools such as our Knowledge Services Maturity Model™ (at right), we develop a baseline assessment and a roadmap to greater Knowledge ROI.

Data, Information, Knowledge, and Intelligence (DIKI) are mission-critical production resources.  These intangible resources are more powerful than tangible resources — facilities, equipment, raw materials, labor, and capital — in today’s hyper-competitive knowledge economy. Knowledge resources must be managed with the same level of attention — using equally sophisticated tools and metrics — as you use in managing your tangible resources.

Clients Served
Years of Industry Experience

What we're hearing

TKA's Map-Measure-Manage™ approach combines practical, hands-on advice with group problem-solving. The effect on clients is energizing, even transformative. Hear their words...

Trusted by industry leaders

TKA's clients include Fortune 500 firms, mid-cap businesses, new ventures, and nonprofits. For more than a quarter century, we've worked with executives in senior leadership, innovation, knowledge/intelligence, and strategy.

From the blog

See KnowledgeValueChain.com for the latest developments in our work.

The God Assumption
The God Assumption

When I studied physics in college, the professor would often start a discussion by saying. “Let’s assume for...

Competitive Intelligence Rescue: A book review
Competitive Intelligence Rescue: A book review

I’ve been studying the differences between Information and Knowledge and the mechanisms by which the former is transformed into the...

Industrial-Strength Knowledge
Industrial-Strength Knowledge

In my talks with students and work with clients, I often use the terms Enterprise Knowledge (EK) and Enterprise Value (EV) —...

Let's make our knowledge work!

Unleash the hidden value trapped within your organization's knowledge

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